Notes to the ICB Bibliography Contextual Approach
The ICA has the largest, freely accessible bibliography on the contextual approach. It contains over 1200 entries and is available in both English and Dutch. With this initiative, the ICB hopes tot encourage and support training, research and development of the contextual thinking.
The bibliography consists of two subsets:
- Primary bibliography *
Titles of publications by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (books, articles, lectures, workshops, video and audio recordings, etc.) - Secondary bibliography
An extensive collection of titles of publications on the contextual approach according Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (articles, books, dissertations, theses, lectures, reviews, etc.) Main criterion for inclusion in this subset is that the name of Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy must be called.
In some cases, a downloadable PDF file is available. If not so, please refer to the website mentioned, the publisher or the bookstore.
Please help us to improve and expand this bibliography. We welcome new or missing entries and publications, as well as we would like to receive your questions or comments.
Composition and coördination
Ilse Siebesma-niewohner,
This bibliography is owned by the Institute Contextual Approach.
* Thanks to the work of Magda Heireman (1987) and Annemie Dillen (2004).