Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, founder of the contextual approach, left us a comprehensive theory about (intergenerational) relations. This needs further reflection, development and application.
Since its introduction around 1967, the Contextual Approach found fertile ground in the Netherlands. Concepts as solidarity and responsibility apparently neighbour with the Dutch society and with Dutch people. Nevertheless, it lasted until about 1990 until this approach gained more publicity and a broader dissemination across various fields of therapy, social care practice, pastoral work and education.
Specifically in regard of the implementation of this thinking in various fields, there is a need for development and research. The ICA works right now on developing a general model and methodology, which will be helpfull in the application of the Contextual Approach to various fields like social work, youth services, supervision and coaching, pastoral care, but also management, HRM, education, etc. The ICA cooperates with the Research Group Youth and Family from the Christian University of Applied Studies.
To gain a more prominent role in therapy, social work, counseling, education, etc., there is a need of sound scientific research. Not only the premises of contextual thinking need a more scientific evaluation, also the effectiveness of this approach requires further investigation. On these research subjects the ICA works colsely together with the forementioned Research Group Youth and Family. But we also try to cooperate with other Colleges, Universities and relevant organizations and institutions.
If you are interested in our development and research projects, please contact us.